The 1st National Forum of Technological Innovations in Khouribga,Morocco : All for innovation

April 18, 2017

The association of young people of the future for the development(AJAD), with the participation of an actives in the technical fields like KHOURIBGA SKILLS , NEW WORK LAB,ENACTUS,DEVOX and MICROSOFT organized the 1st National Forum of Technological Innovations in Khouribga,Morocco under the theme :  " All for innovation"

    Begging with  the director of Khouribga Skills  and the director of AJAD delivering  their words as an opening to the event. 

     Consequently the Technology Specialist, International Consultant and Keynote Speaker Mr.Mouhsine LAKHDISSI Hosted the first conference about the Open innovation ,then a 3D print by FABLAB and Nextronic.

The Second conference with Microsoft
  Entrepreneurship and innovation are crucial to organisational success in today’s fast-moving business environment. Technology and globalization don’t stand still. Neither can you.Because Innovation is not a technical term.   It is an economic and social term.  Its criterion is not science or technology, but a change in the economic or social environment, a change in the behavior of people as consumers or producers, as citizens, as students or as Entrepreneur , and so on.  

     The forum knew also the projects  of many young innovators such as 
AJAD  , they participated with a Smart Home- a house that you can  controlle just  with your cellphone or your computer-, a Smart Digester  that makes the  bio-gas with the mechanization process ,it help us to get renewable energy so we can protect the environment and this what it called the Green technologies which become a focus of innovation in Morocco.

*Enactus Ensa khouribga  joining with 2 projects :
    You're tired of burgers, pizzas and sandwiches every day ... Want a delicious dish, healthy and prepared with love and tenderness of a mother.!Foodbycode thought about you, founded by students and for students.
    A first service of its kind in the city of khouribga which makes the delivery of homemade dishes prepared by housewives.Because there's no better than a mother's cooking !
    this short video will gives all what you need to know about Medicaall

and a lot of brilliant projects like the intelligent robot ,automatic watering,intelligent dustbin...etc. There are a lot of potentials here , a young innovators that have great ideas ,projects, plans to develop their future and their country.

   Finally, we would like to thank the FNIT Steering Committee for this amazing event and we hope that people could focus more on the events like this one ,because this what makes the difference between us as a Moroccans and the developed countries .

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