King Mohammed VI Officially ends "post-election deadlock" and appoints new ministers

April 05, 2017

After six months of post-election deadlock, Morocco's King Mohammed VI on Wednesday named a new cabinet led by the main Islamist party which lost a key ministry in negotiations with rivals, the state news agency MAP said.

The Islamist Justice and Development or PJD party won elections in October, but formation of a government was delayed during negotiations with parties who critics say were too close to royalists uneasy with sharing power with Islamists.

The government was formed from El Mustafa Ramid, Minister of State in charge of human rights, and Abdelouafi Laftit interior minister, Nasser BOURITA and Minister of Foreign and International Cooperation Affairs.
The King also appointed both Mohamed Aujjar justice minister, and Ahmed Taoufik and Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, and Mohammed Alhajui as Secretary-General of the government, and Mohammed Boussaid, Minister of Economy and Finance.

Decrees of appointment  knew, too, naming Aziz Akhenouch Minister for Agriculture, fishing , rural development, water and forests, and Nabil Benabdallah minister for the preparation of the national territory, reconstruction , housing and the policy of the city, and Mohammed Hassad Minister of Education ,national ,vocational ,higher education ,scientific research and training.
Industry, investment, trade and the digital economy portfolio led to Moulay Hafid Alami, and took Abdelkader Aamara the  Ministry of Equipment, transport, logistics, water, and Hussein Al Wardi stay the health minister, while Aziz Rabbah was appointed Minister of Energy ,Minerals and Sustainable Development.
King Mohammed VI also appointed  Mohammad Sajid  in the head of the Ministry of Tourism ,Air Transport ,Handicraft and Social Economy ,and Rashid Talbi Alami to be the   Minister of Youth and Sports, and Mohammed Laaraj minister of culture and communication, Bassima Hakkaoui Minister for the family, solidarity, equality and social development.
Mohammed Yatim appointed minister for employment and vocational integration, and Abdul Latif Odaa Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister in charge of national defense management, and Hassan Daoudi, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister in charge of public affairs and governance, and Mustafa El Khalfi the Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister in charge of relations with parliament, civil society, an official spokesman for the government and Mohammed bin Abdul Qadir minister Delegate to the Prime .minister in charge of the reform of the administration and public job.
The new government also includes Abdul Karim Benatiq Minister Delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in charge of Moroccans living abroad and immigration, and Noureddine Boutayeb Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Interior, and Mohamed Najib Boulif writer of the State to the Minister of processing, transport, logistics, water and costly transport, and Mbarka Bouaida writer for the State to the Minister of Agriculture , fishing and rural development, water, forests expensive sea fishing, and Charafat Afilal writer for the State to the Minister of processing, transport, logistics and water is expensive water.
King Mohammed VI also appointed a Jamila El Mossali writer for the State to the Minister of Tourism, air transport, industry and traditional social economy is an expensive traditional industry and the social economy, while Monnet Boucetta has assumed the writing of State to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and Hammou Ouhali  was appointed  the Secretary of the State to the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development water and forests in charge of rural development, water and forests, while Fatna Lkahil is the Secretary of State to the Minister of the preparation of the national territory, reconstruction, housing policy and city expensive housing.
Decrees of appointment also saw the naming Khalid Samadi as the writer of the State to the Minister of National Education and Vocational Training and Higher Education and Scientific Research in charge of higher education and scientific research, and the Arab Ben Sheikh writer for the State to the Minister of National Education and Vocational Training and Higher Education and Scientific Research in charge of the  training professional, Rokaya al-Durham as the writer of the state to the Minister industry, investment, trade and the digital economy expensive foreign trade.
Also Lamia Botalib was appointed by the King is a writer for the State to the Minister of Tourism, air transport, industry and traditional social economy expensive tourism, and othmane El Ferdaous as the writer of the State to the Minister of Industry, Investment and Trade and the Digital Economy expensive investment, and a picnic adequate writer for the State to the Minister of Energy, Mines and sustainable development is expensive to sustainable development.

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