statistics : 15% of the Moroccan Married Couples Are Infertile.

April 02, 2017

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪infertile couples‬‏

800,000 married couples, representing 15 percent of all Moroccan couples, are infertile, said Abdel Wahab Bouchouchi, President of the Moroccan Fertility Forum, on Saturday in Rabat.
While delivering his talk at the national forum, organized under the theme of “Medical Assistance on Reproduction Between Legal and Practice,” Bouchouchi said, “Infertility is considered a problem of multiple reasons, imposes itself within society.”
“This requires observing the pros and cons of the bill 47-17 that is related to medical assistance for reproduction, which is presented before the parliament and discuss its items to make it more effective in serving Moroccan married couples, who are experiencing infertility and enables the medicines to work reassuringly,” Bouchouchi added.
Bouchouchi further explained that nearly all insurance cooperatives currently do not cover the cost of reproductive medical assistance, noting that health coverage is still insufficient to deal with cases of infertility.
Suggesting a solution, Bouchouchi highlighted the importance of fostering training activities throughout Moroccan universities in the field of reproduction assistance.
“The trainings are required to be improved, updated and institutionalized in order to create an approach between the students, biologists and medicines regarding the technological and scientific developments that are related to this domain,” he said.
For his part, Director General of the National Agency for Health Insurance, Jilali Hazem, said that his agency is determined to manage this service in line with health insurance providers by renewing international conventions and reviewing medical operations.
Said Moutaouakil, president of the Moroccan Association of Medical Sciences, explained that the event was designed to establish a law that would institute medical assistance regarding reproduction to ensure transparency and enable couples to benefit from this service in accordance with the ethics of the profession.
source :  moroccoworldnews

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