ANC : Morocco’s readmission to AU is a regrettable decision

February 02, 2017


     Rabat, Morocco - In a communiqué A Moroccan girl  received, the African National Congress (ANC), most famous around the world as Nelson Mandela’s party, said in the wake of Morocco’s readmission to the African Union, that such a move, despite its democratic basis as 39 African countries supported without condition Morocco’s readmission to the AU, is a “regrettable decision of the African Union (AU).”

“This decision represents a significant setback to the cause of the Sahrawi people and their quest for self-determination and independence in the Western Sahara,” the ANC party stressed.The ANC said that now the “AU is tacitly endorsing” the Moroccan position on the question of Western Sahara.

The ANC further noted that “this decision paves the way for the Kingdom of Morocco to take their place amongst the community of nations and to enjoy the benefits of AU membership- whilst the Sahrawi people continue to suffer under an unjust occupation of their ancestral land.”

        The ANC failed not to mention that “it was mainly countries led by former liberation movements on the continent, amongst them South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Mozambique as well as Botswana and Algeria – who opposed the decision” to readmit Morocco to the African Union.

     But where was the ANC when The Polisario routinely violates the human rights of tens of thousands of Sahrawi refugees who have remained trapped in desperate conditions in camps near Tindouf, Algeria for more than three decades. Because in Polisario is just a one-party dictatorship that does not represent the Sahrawi people and does not promote their best interests in pursuing a peaceful solution to the Western Sahara conflict. The Polisario has been controlled by the same authoritarian leader, Mohammed Abdelaziz, for more than 30 years and allows no real democratic process.

     So next  time the ANC want to criticize Moroccain sahrawi's human rights condition ,first go to the Tindouf's Detention and see who infringes the human rights of them , is It Morocco or Polisario's mercenaries ?

the answer to this question will be founded  by the last Amnesty's report about human rights in Tindouf Refugee  camps.
That  Polisario took no action to end impunity for the perpetrators of human rights violations and abuses committed against the Sahrawi population under the passive gaze of Algerian authorities in their capacity as the supervisory authority of the camps hosted by Algeria, AI said in its latest report.

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