Stop being in love easily

January 17, 2017

     They say that Love is beautiful, Love is sweet but even the sweet can make us suffer from the diabetes if  we eat it without limits.

      That's love, if you love him/her more then they do you will hurt in the end ,because relationships are an equal partnership. Or at least, they should be. If one partner is giving more than the other ,he/she will end up being a silent partner .

        That's why You have to learn how to control your feelings, not to fall in the wrong person.
It's easy , you have to choose the person with your brain before let him in your heart.

You have to let them know you as a person not as body, as a feeling warmer not as a conveyor of their desires.
But if have already loved the wrong person then you should stop it.
 You can do it and avoid falling in love with someone only when you truly accept your reasoning behind why you can’t ever see a future with this particular person. You have to remember that there are no two ways here, and there should be no space for doubt.
     I am not telling to never fall in love but to take your time and choose the right person , know him/her as a friend before making him/her your lover.

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